I have developed my Universal Truths over my 37 years of practice. See which ones you are using!
By: Susan Adams M.Ed.
The world is unfair but predictable. Success means being aware of how things appear to others.
- Even if you feel so unimportant you think you are invisible, others notice you.
- People who don’t know when they do wrong, can’t learn to do anything right.
- People who know when they do something wrong develop mastery.
- The world will forgive you for screwing up but not for failing to notice.
- It is not true that there is security in denial.
- If you are not guilty of doing anything wrong and things are going very badly for you then it is not safe for you to be walking around alive.
- It is foolish to prove your parents wrong by being different from them in ways that cause you to fail yourself.
- If you are going to be offensive, do it on purpose.
- Behavior is purposeful. Think about the purpose behind what you see.
- Don’t avoid telling others what you want for fear of offending them.
- If you tell someone how you feel, make sure you follow it with what you want them to do about it.
- Tell people what you want them to do, not how you want them to be.
- Demonstrate good emotion. Explain negative emotion.
- Look at the function of what people do. Behavior always solves a problem for someone.
- Tell the truth.
- Fight to find out what you are doing wrong rather than to prove you are right.
- Speak to people’s intent rather than their behavior.
- When a woman is going ballistic it is because she is being ignored or lied to. When a man is going ballistic it is because he is afraid of looking bad.
- Two people can’t go ballistic at the same time.
- The unloved are mean.
- Don’t have fights with people who have power over you.
- Marital relationships are partnerships. Most people don’t want a boss.
- People who take life too seriously don’t grow. People who don’t grow may die.
- Don’t try to change a system from the bottom.
- People who do hiring hire people like themselves.
- Success is about being liked not about being competent.
- People who feel unimportant do troublesome things.
- People who feel important are fully aware of how their behavior affects others. They follow the rules.
- Men who think they need to feel heroic often have affairs.
- When forming close personal relationships, don’t attempt to begin by asking the other person to do things they aren’t good at.
- Debate is useful as long as no one has to win at it.
- When parents are divided about a child, the child decides. Children who decide too often conclude that they make the rules and may become sociopaths.
- If you want to get to know your children, join them in their activities rather than asking them to join you in yours.
- If you are a guy and you aren’t getting your message heard, it’s probably because your good intent is being missed.
- If you are female and not getting your message heard it’s probably because you are scaring your listener.
- If you want something in a relationship, give it. Most people give what they GET, not what they WANT.
- If you want others to seek you out, make them feel comfortable. Do this by listening to them with respect and hearing their messages.
- Others grow toward our perceptions of them.
- If you are seen as critical or unpleasant , others will tune you out.
- Behave based on what you want, not how you feel.
- Clothe difficult truths in humor. They are more palatable.
- Just because the answer is simple doesn’t mean it isn’t the answer.
- If someone continues to pursue you about something you think you have answered, they haven’t heard your message. Say it more clearly.
- People who criticize, condemn, judge, or get easily offended get divorced or live in misery forever.
- You can’t fail to notice the person you live with.
- When words and behavior don’t match, watch behavior.
- The unloved get together.
- Just because someone has a different opinion from yours doesn’t mean they are wrong.
- Helplessness is powerful
- Pick your battles.
- If you can’t get rid of the skeleton in the family closet, at least make it dance for you. Make the best of bad situations.
- It is useless to ask someone to change unless it is worthwhile for them to do so. Appreciate small changes so that bigger ones can develop.
- If something doesn’t work, try it again. If it still doesn’t work, try something else.
- It is impossible to be truly anxious about anyone but yourself.
- Guilt is useful if it lasts for five minutes and leads to change.
- A smile is the first step to being liked.
- Others will forgive almost anything if your good intent shows.
- People who are liked can do no wrong.
- People who aren’t liked can’t do anything right.
- When you comment on yourself, no one else has to.
- People who lie, lie.
- If you want to be sure to fail, try to please everyone.
- If you want power shared with you, make friends with whoever has the power.
- If you want to make friends with someone, help them to accomplish their goals.
- The only difference between a rut and a grave, is the depth.
- Change enough of the little pictures and you’ll find you’ve changed the big picture.
- You can’t expect a rose to bloom when you are yelling at it.
- Some of the greatest lies are often told in silence.
- Make the high moments as unforgettable as possible. Use the low moments to learn what to do differently.
- Relationships are about how good you can make the other person feel.
- Do what you know is right. Do it the best you can. Have fun at it.
- Wait for calm moments to bring up difficult topics.
- A changed thought system can reverse cause-and-effect as we know it. For most of us, this is a very difficult concept to accept, because of our resistance to relinquishing the predictability of our past belief system and to assuming responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, and reactions.
- It isn’t enough to be sincere. It matters what you believe.
- If you don’t do something about your problems, your problems may do something to you.
- Your character cannot be essentially injured except by your own behavior.
- It anybody speaks badly of you, like so that no one believes what is said.
- Do not create debt unless you know how you will repay it.
- Live under your means.
- Pity is more powerful than love.
- If you want to be loved, be lovable.
- Without oxen, the barn is clean but with oxen, there is harvest.
- People who spend a lifetime fantasizing, never live.
- Those who are winning don’t whine.
- Assumption is the mother of all mishaps.
- It isn’t what we know that gets us into trouble. It’s what we know that isn’t so.
- Living with a man and missing his good intent, is like walking through a rainforest blindfolded.
- You must believe something before you can be something.
- If you take the time to share good news you won’t have time to get offended.
- If you want to like yourself, don’t do things that you must keep from others.