None of us have experienced anything like this in our lifetime. Therefore we have no models for what to do.
Our media has become opinion based. They want to tell us how to think rather than reporting unbiased facts for us to interpret and decide.
The country is divided. Opinions are electrified. People are isolated both physically and emotionally.
People must now be careful about to whom they express themselves given the emotional nature of the division and the physical isolation makes the emotional isolation worse.
The media has created panic. They have evolved to presenting entertainment rather than news. So what to do?
The first issue is dealing with depression caused by isolation and fear driven by some media.
Exercise is the best treatment for both anxiety and depression. Exercise a minimum of one hour twice daily—better outside than in.
Regarding the reports I have read, transmission of Corona is not likely to happen in well-ventilated spaces—and not outdoors.
Our weather here in Atlanta has been lovely and unusually cool. I am seeing people outside in lovely conditions. For all reports, transmission is unlikely AND the sun and ambiance are uplifting and enhance vitamin D.
Exercise is the only format for making Serotonin. Medications help to save it in the brain but only exercise can make it. So in depression we have dry brain hormones. Anxiety produces Adrenaline which eats up Serotonin and exercise runs off Adrenalin and makes Serotonin. So depression is really dry brain hormones. Wetting down the brain hormones with exercise usually makes people feel better immediately.
So you have exercised. Hopefully, now you can think better. Address any fears you have with information. Look at different sides of the concerns presented by Corona I don’t know of any unbiased news sources. Listen to many conflicting presentations. Do your own research. Think critically. Critical thinking is empowering. No one can tell you how to think unless you let them.
What are the percentages of people dying of Corona as opposed to other conditions? What people are the most vulnerable and is it only to Corona? What can each of us do to protect ourselves and are those things part of good health hygiene under any conditions?
Wash your hands often, maintain at least six feet between people, don’t touch your face, and stay away from obviously sick people. Doing these things should offer a good outcome.
If you are in the medically compromised population, staying totally inside for now may be more important. Consult your doctor.
Have a plan for how you are going to restart your life if in fact it has stopped.
There are some members of the population making more money now than from working. They have money paid as salary from the stimulus package and unemployment.
I have been in reopened restaurants without enough help because people were home doing better from not working.
If you can work do so. Being out and about is good for the emotional brain.
I am very concerned with the mixed messages today in society. Be aware that mixed messages confuse people. Confusion is a tactic used in hypnosis. It creates opportunities for people with power to introduce subtle messages of control. Be aware of the confusion so you can sort out how your brain responds.
Roosevelt said, « we have nothing to fear but fear itself ». The panic ABOUT getting sick is far worse than any other aspect. Many people with Corona have no symptoms. Those that do usually recover. There are medications that deal quite effectively with the illness now. Research it. I don’t want to tell anyone how to think either.
The panic and uncertainty in the country seems to me to be making people mean. They are reporting each other to someone—the police, the neighborhood associations. They report for not wearing a mask-this is controversial in and of itself—for putting garbage in the wrong can, walking on the wrong side of the road, your dog pooped in my yard, your child ran in DRY sand not the wet stuff. You can shop at Walmart but not your local boutique.
BE KIND. ACT HELPFULLY. Do something nice for someone. The act of doing so produces Serotonin for you, them, and any observers.
Take a compromised neighbor a meal or a surprise. Give something to a rescue organization. Smile at someone.
If you are at risk, FaceTime with family and friends and say nice things to them. Appreciate those around you You will feel better for it. Remember, you are in charge of you. Keep it that way!